Epworth Work Day

Next Sunday we will have an opportunity to invest in the lives of children, and I ask you to join us in making a generous financial gift to the ministry of Epworth Children’s Home.  We participate in the Annual Work Day offering because Epworth does not receive funding/apportionments through the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church.  Instead, the conference sets aside the second Sunday in September as a day to collect an offering for Epworth.

Epworth is breaking the cycle of abuse, neglect and shame and replacing it with lives of self-respect, responsibility and productivity.  This is the kind of ministry we are providing by  giving to Epworth.  We as you to prayerfully consider what God is calling you to share with the children of Epworth next Sunday.

Open Doors for Children in Need

 Epworth Children’s Home goes above and beyond providing food and shelter for children who have experienced abuse, neglect and tragedy. It provides children with tutoring, counseling, health care, fun activities, and the spiritual formation they need to heal and gain a sense of belonging. Through the ministry of Epworth Children’s Home we open our doors to these children, surround them with comprehensive care and provide them with the opportunity to transform their lives. On Sunday, September 8th our congregation will stand with Epworth to break the cycle of abuse, neglect and shame through our collection of the Annual Epworth Work Day Offering. Without the support of churches like ours, Epworth could not provide transformational care for children in need. We invite you to give generously to the children who call Epworth home. For more information, please visit Epworth on the web at http://www.epworthchildrenshome.org.